Your safety is our top priority, we have a full set of procedures for all sales, service, and install calls.

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    Safety Procedures followed by all staff.

    Face Masks

    COVID-19 spreads through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. We require all staff to wear face masks when making in-home calls or when customers are visiting the showrooms.



    Physical Distancing

    The current advice from the Department of Health is that everyone must keep at least 1.5 metres apart from others (outside of their family unit) where possible. Physical distancing is necessary because the most likely way of catching the virus is by breathing in micro-droplets from another person sneezing, coughing, or exhaling.



    All staff are encouraged to practice non-contact outside of the family unit. This minimises the possibility of spread within the company.





    We require everyone to wash their hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and dry them completely, preferably with clean, single-use paper towels. We supply all our staff with sanitiser when on home visits when it is not possible to wash hands.




    All staff are required to wipe down surfaces they touch on an in-home visit to clean and disinfect the areas.

    I am extremely happy with my chairlift and I found you and all the P. R. King and Sons personnel with whom I had dealings very professional.

    Val A.
    Lindfield, NSW